Friday, March 29, 2013

Hobby Progress Challenge - March Completed

I've tested the black armour highlight with both Eshin grey and Dawnstone and I've sticked with mostly Dawnstone everywhere except where I wanted some contrast but very little as I didn't wanted to draw the eyes theres, the fingers for example.

Flesh Tearers Death Company with jump packs
Flesh Tearers Death Company with jump packs

They took me quite a while and I could have done a third layer of red on some part but I had to keep moving to the next squad. I still need to apply 2 Flesh Tearers decals on the bare shoulder pads but that will have to wait until the end, probably when I'll base everything.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Essentials - Brushes Cleaner and Preserver

I've came across this product a year ago, and seriously I can't recommend it enough now. It's called "The Master's Brush Cleaner and Preserver"

The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver
It's basically shampoo for your brushes, it cleans left over paint like nothing else. After every paint session, I use this product to clean the brushes and then once it's all clean, I put a little on the brush and then reform the tip and let it dry with the cleaner still on it.

This little trick does wonder to keep the tip sharp, you do have to be careful when you want to use your brush again, gently wash the product off in your water pot without bending the bristles.

You'll probably never need to buy another one as it seems to last forever, you don't need much per brush.

The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver with Kolinsky brush
Example of a brush tip preserved

Here's the demo by Lester Bursley on how to use that product and how efficient it really is. Give it a try especially if you've invested on good brushes.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hobby Progress Challenge - March goal progression

Here the progress I've managed to accomplish since the beginning of the month, I'm still very busy from the move to the new house but things are starting to settle down. I forgot how long Death Company is to paint as every model is almost as detailled as an HQ model.

Flesh Tearers Death Company Early WIP
Jump pack Death Company got some base colors
Just to give some perspective on how much paint steps are is still needed, here's a side by side shoot.

Finished Death Company vs Current progress

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Hobby Progress Challenge - March commitment

Flesh Tearers Death Company Primed WIP
Expensive Jump Pack Death Company of primed awesomeness
10x Death Company (420 pts)
- 10x Jump packs
- 1x Power sword
- 2x Infernus pistols
- 1x Power fist

I'm gonna try working with more subtile highlights than the ones I've previously painted, I like the look on the tabletop but on camera the lack of blending does show.