Showing posts with label Conversion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conversion. Show all posts

Friday, October 25, 2013

Hobby Progress - Finishing the Flesh Tearers

In an effort of finishing my Flesh Tearers, I've been going over the units I didn't gave much love. Surprisingly this included the very first unit I've ever had, my Sternguards, which is also my first conversion. They all have warriors of chaos cloak and green stuff on the shoulders to match the fur.

Flesh Tearers Sternguard
Flesh Tearers Sternguard with some conversion

Flesh Tearers Devastator Sergeant, Flesh Tearers Command Squad Standard Bearer
Left overs of Devastator Squad and Command Squad

Flesh Tearers Librarian Dark Vengeance Light Conversion
Flesh Tearers Librarian (Dark Vengeance)

Next steps ? Freehand on the banners, Decals, figuring out what to use to seal them and flocking. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hobby Progress - Terminators and Sternguard

I've done quite a bit of progress on my terminators, getting the entire squad to the same point, leaving only basing and decals to be applied.

Flesh Tearers Assault Terminators with lightning claws
Assault Terminators with lightning claws

Flesh Tearers Assault Terminators with thunder hammers
Assault Terminators with thunder hammers

My sternguards weren't high priority as I don't field them often but since I had previously finished the armour, only the detailing paint steps need to be done which once I get painting should be done quickly.

Flesh Tearers Sternguard with powerfist
Sternguard "Sergeant"

They are all converted with warrior of chaos cloaks and they all have Black Templars helmets, Forge World bolters and some have Black Templars tabards. They were converted to stand out from the rest of my army and get a bit of my own fluff into the army. Flesh Tearers Sternguards should be veterans from many campaigns in order to make sense fluff wise in an aggressive assault army, so I made mine as veterans of the Armageddon campaigns were they would have earned honours from Black Termplars as for me they should be their closest battle-brothers outside of the Blood Angels.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Flesh Tearers WIP

I didn't feel like waiting on my lightbox to make it's way to my doorstep so I've improvised one with a box and a sheet of paper. Result is better than anticipated and might be overkill as these are only work in progress shoot so seeing my work desk in the background wouldn't have been a big deal.

None of these miniatures are finished even tho they're pretty close, still need to base, apply decals and probably tidy up some highlight if I feel like it. In the meantime, here's my Flesh Tearers.

Flesh Tearers Chapter Master Gabriel Seth
Gabriel Seth
Flesh Tearers Sanguinary Priest
Two Sanguinary Priests
Flesh Tearers Assault Marines Squad
Assault Squad (Magnetized backpacks)
Flesh Tearers Tactical Marines Squad
Tactical squad (Still need to figure out what to paint on the banner)
Flesh Tearers Devastator Squad
Heavy weapon options for the Tactical squad \ Devastator
Flesh Tearers Reclusiarch
Reclusiarch (First conversion with green stuff)
Flesh Tearers Death Company and Reclusiarch (Chaplain)
Death Company + Reclusiarch
That's around 70% of what I've painted so far, I really need to get moving with the primer as the days are getting colder around here (optimal priming weather is roughly around 15 - 25 Celcius)