Showing posts with label Land Raider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Land Raider. Show all posts

Monday, August 26, 2013

Hobby Progress Challenge - August Completed

Flesh Tearers Tanks
Baal Predator + Predator + Land Raider Crusader
Land Raider Crusader (250)
Baal Predator (145)
- Heavy Bolters Sponsons.

Predator (100)
- Heavy Bolters Sponsons.

That completes my challenge but my Flesh Tearers aren't done yet. I still have decals and basing to do and some free hand banner work (I'm not looking forward to that).

I had issues with airbrushing my vehicles and getting the colour to match with the airbrush which as you can see isn't perfect on the land raider vs the predators. It's been a pain to get the flesh tearers colours scheme with the new paint range.

Flesh Tearers Predator Flesh Tearers Baal Predator Flesh Tearers Land Raider Crusader

Friday, June 28, 2013

Hobby Progress Challenge - August Commitment

Since all that's left are vehicles, I'll airbrush the lot of them at the same time.

Flesh Tearers Land Raider Crusader WIP
Land Raider Crusader

Flesh Tearers Baal Predator WIP
Baal Predator

Flesh Tearers Predator WIP
"Dakka" Predator
Land Raider Crusader (250)
Baal Predator (145)
- Heavy Bolters Sponsons.

Predator (100)
- Heavy Bolters Sponsons.